Pronounced words search

What it makes: gets words starting with a pattern alphabetically ordered with one or more pronunciations.

Required parameters

  • key. Value: your api key
  • action. Value: pronounced-words-search
  • format. Values:
    • xml
    • json (for jsonp, use param: callback/function_name)
  • search. The pattern you want to search.

Optional parameters

  • language. To get only the words in the given language. Check all the values in this languages codes list.
  • pagesize. Values: any integer number between 1-100. Set the page size in results. Default is 20.
  • page. Values: any integer number. Set the page results you want to retrieve. Default is 1.


Search pronounced words from bar (XML format)

Search pronounced words from bar in Spanish setting a pagesize in 25 and retrieving the 2nd page (XML format)

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